The wolverine (Gulo Gulo, as he is known scientifically) is an intrepid and solitary carnivore,
historically ranging throughout North America’s most rugged and remote regions. However, human
persecution decimated their populations, and it seemed that wolverines might disappear from much of
their wild homeland. Today, they are recovering in the contiguous U.S. and sightings of the elusive
Gulo are becoming more frequent by backcountry skiers who visit the West’s most remote mountain
The film we will show at the meeting, “Finding Gulo”, follows Steph Williams, a ski guide and field
biologist, as she works with wildlife photographer Dave Moskowitz to capture images and data of a
recovering population of wolverines near her home in the North Cascades of our own Washington
State. The film with show that Steph is on a mission to prove that citizen science can be a critical tool
to protect endangered wildlife. As a backcountry skier, Steph has long been concerned about the
impacts of climate change, but as her connection with Gulo deepens, so does her commitment to
grassroots stewardship
The wolverine plight was first brought to the attention of Kittitas Audubon with a presentation in 2018,
but the film we will show was made in 2021 and will provide a nice update.
Following the 30-minute film, a representative from the Cascades Wolverine Project will join us via
Zoom to answer questions about the film and ongoing project work. This is sure to be an interesting
evening, and we look forward to having you join us!
Date, Place and Time: October 17th at 7PM, Hal Holmes Community Center
Refreshments will be served. Bring your friends interested in watching wildlife and ski movies!